Irish music from Kelowna - The Malarkeys

contact The Malarkeys in Kelowna

Want to add some live music to your special event? We've played at weddings, pubs, wineries, restaurants, festivals, indoors, outdoors, you name it.

Drop us a line or give us a call at
or 250-215-1350 in Kelowna BC, Canada.

Buy official Malarkey CD's and T-shirts right here!

Order Official Malarkeys T-shirts using PayPal, featuring Amercian Apparel T's for the girls and Gildan T's for the guys, plus new Kids' shirts!


NEW! Bright orange kids' "The Malarkeys take me to my happy place" t-shirts are just $15, plus shipping.

Looking for more Kelowna live music listings?

Malarkeys Shows | Meet The Malarkeys | Hear The Malarkeys | See The Malarkeys | Read The Song List | Contact The Malarkeys